Verification of scales and weights


As example: This is an normal
iron weight of one KG ( Germany )
This kind of weights have a little hole which is closed by lead. After calibration, the calibrator seal this lead with an verification mark.
Here you see this nice weight with a cut in the midle... please do not ask how much work that was !!! You can see the filling way for the calibration metal ( silver and red )
The filling material is often lead or iron pearls.
Of course you need a example of the correct weight ( master weight ) and also you need some test weights which show the maximum of the tolerance. 
This little weights have the weigh of the max. tolerance for each weight from 1 gram to 50 KG. This set is from high precision which you can see during the two precision stars.
Those lead seals close the calibration hole.
They are numbered from 1 to 19 ( size ) 
After calibration the weight / scale / mass get the verification mark.

This one is for wooden masses and work with heat !
like this one , with the wooden handle...

and this one with the iron handle.
.... for lead ....
... for iron and brass !
Also there exist a sign to void the older
verifications or void the complete weight.
Some calibrator also destroy or cut the weight to void it. As collectors we hope only for a voided mark.
A hard to find seal pliers, which was in use for seal scales with lead !
Some examples of seal tools for the pliers.