beamend1.jpg (6799 Byte) BOX end beam pivot

Used from 16th to end of 19th century

This one:
Beam end of an iron beam scale
21" long. The hook is 3 1/2" tall.
No mark on the beam.

beamend3.jpg (7640 Byte)  

BOX end beam pivot

Used from 16th to end of 19th century

This one:
Beam end of an iron beam scale.
9" long
Mark with the German Empire

beamend11.jpg (6102 Byte)  

BOX end beam pivot

Used from 16th to end of 19th century

This one:
Beam end of an iron beam scale.
10" long
No mark to find.

beamend2.jpg (7177 Byte) BOX end beam pivot - variant

This one:
Beam end of an brass beam scale.
12" & 14" long
Mark with the German Empire and 500 Gr.

beamend7.jpg (5275 Byte) BOX end beam pivot - variant

This one:
Beam end of an iron GRAIN TESTER beam scale.
6" long
Mark with the German Empire, 500 g and
the calibration date 1928
Maker sign HS

beamend4.jpg (7303 Byte) BOX end beam pivot - variant

This one:
Beam end of an brass beam scale.
8" long
Gem scale for 100 ctg with an sliding weight.
No other mark as 100 ctg

beamend12.jpg (5559 Byte) BOX end beam pivot - variant

This one:
Beam end of an brass beam scale.
13" long
Mark with the NDB ( North Germany ) and
500 gram. Maker is F.C.Bilens.

beamend5.jpg (6248 Byte) BOX end beam pivot - variant

This one:
Beam end of an brass beam scale.
8" long
Mark with the German Empire 1912
and 100 gram

beamend6.jpg (6264 Byte) BOX end beam pivot - variant

This one:
Beam end of an brass beam scale.
12" long
Mark with the DR  ( German Empire ) and
300 gram.

beamend13.jpg (6869 Byte) BOX end beam pivot - variant

This one:
Beam end of an brass beam scale.
12" long
Mark with the NDB ( North Germany ) and
400 gram. Long hook !

beamend10.jpg (8387 Byte) Russian variant of a Dutch end beam pivot

This one:
Beam end of an iro beam scale.
21" long
Mark with the Russian eagle and some
calibrations also some text (Russian)

beamend9.jpg (9116 Byte) Modern Brass & Agate Beam

After Sharkeys Patent of 1857

This one:
Beam end of an brass beam scale.
21" long
Mark with the DR  ( German Empire ) and
15 Kg, also calibration marks from
1912 to 1989.

beamend8.jpg (5884 Byte) Modern Swan neck pivot

This one:
Beam end of an crome beam scale.
6" long
Maybe from an grain tester

nextpfeil_links.gif (1294 Byte)